Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Survived!!

Well after a wonderful eight hour drive to St. George, we finally got to enjoy some quality time with our family. We met up with Paul's entire family for the Thanksgiving weekend, it was a blast. This year they decided to try something different, the family went to the small (very small) town of Springdale, UT for dinner at Switchback Lodge. What made it fun was that this lodge is at the foot of Zions National Park. While the Canyons and trees were beautiful, it didn't feel much like Thanksgiving. Imagine eating Turkey dinner buffet style with fish, ham, roast beef, and turkey. The food was good but I sure did miss that home cooked meal. Luckily for Paul and I we went over to my aunts house that night and had another Thanksgiving dinner with them. Boy was that fun and you can never get too much of Grandma's rolls yummy.

Friday morning, I woke up and went shopping at 5:00 am with my aunt and cousin in law. That was such an experience for me, but was so much fun. Oddly enough, I still want to be shopping. Later that day we packed Paul's family back up in the cars and head back out to Zions National Park for pictures, hiking, and sight seeing. That night we went to the Joseph Smith movie at the St. George temple. Lucky for us when we got there we saw the christmas lights turned on for the temple grounds. It was so pretty and a very good movie. If you haven't scene it we recommend it.

Saturday, we headed down to Vegas so that Paul could finally see his long awaited Star Trek Experience. If any of you now Paul, you can only imagine what he was like. It was like Christmas morning for him and his sister. I just laughed most of the time, and amazing enough I enjoyed the Star Trek Experience. Thanks mom for making me watch it all those years; she prepared me for marriage in more ways than one.

Sunday, was the long drive home. But we made it home and are back to the grind of things, plus getting ready for Christmas and setting up the house. That is my favorite part lately.

What a great weekend plus or minus a few dramas that you had to be there for. But it was so good to be in Utah and with family for a while. We sure do love them!!!