Friday, February 6, 2009

Huge Changes

Well in the Nelson family we are proud to announce two new huge changes to our family. Most you already know them but for those of you who don't here you go, and for those that do here is more information.

1. We will be moving to Bremerton, Washington on May 26, that is when we are scheduled to leave Lemoore. (YES!!!!no more nasty cows)

2. We are pregnant AGAIN. Trust me this was a total shock when I found out in December and today seeing the baby was a shock again that this was really happening. It was not planned and I am not allowed to say it was a mistake. So our Surprise baby is due August 11; it has a great heart beat, everything looks perfect thus far, and we are 13 weeks along. Yes, Sydney and baby #2 will be 11 months apart, I don't know how I am going to handle this and I have had very mixed feeling about this pregnancy. I still can't say that I am out right excited, but we know this is happening for a reason.

Oh and another fun little thing. Paul got his Associates degree this week. I am so proud of him for accomplishing that and we are now halfway done with his bachelors. Good job babe!!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap!!!! I about soiled my pants when I read that!!! Congratulations!!!

Julie said...

Sydney looks so cute in that headband. I am excited for you guys. I'm glad all is well.

The Youngs said...

I was wondering when you were going to officially announce your exciting news! I am really, truly excited for you guys. I know it may be hard to absorb at times, but you are a terrific mom, and you will just figure things out. Kyle's mom had his sisters 11 months apart. So if you need any advice there, I would be more than happy to talk to her and relay it back to you. (And if you need someone to borrow one of the babies & help out, you know where to find me!) You are so blessed, Brianna. Sydney and Nelson #2 are going to be best friends. And good luck on your big move! HUGS! We miss you guys.

Nate and Jill said...

Wow! That is BIG news. Congratulations on both the events. I am sure this next year will be full of adventure but you guys will do great, I have no doubt. Sydney is so adorable. I love seeing her pictures!

Our family said...

Hey Paul. This is Chris Pieper.
1) Holy Cow!
2) Congratulations!!!
I'm really happy for you and your wife. You definitely have me beat on this one. ;)

Pulsiphers said...

That is so cool that you found out when you are moving maybe some time will be able to see you before you move far away.

Angelica and Bryan said...

Congrats you guys!

Amy said...

I miss my Sydney. She is so darn cute! You must come and visit me before leaving Lemoore. I'll feed you and entertain you, just come by for a few days.