Friday, March 27, 2009

Opinions Needed

All right folks, you all know of our new situation about having another baby. We are having a hard time deciding if we should buy another crib or buy Sydney a toddler bed. We are not sure if she will be ready for a toddler bed at one or so. Any advice anyone can provide would be very welcomed.

Also any ideas for names would be great too. We are having a hard time thinking of some we like so its nice to hear other people ideas, even though we do have 20 weeks still. Thanks for your help everyone!! Love you all


Tyler and Lisa said...

Ok so I go by this book that I live by and in there it says to keep your babies in the crib as long as possible. So we did with Levi and we were so happy in the end. We had a lot of friends that moved their babies over too fast and wished they never did. So I say get another crib if you could. Maybe you can barrow one or find one that is second hand.

The Youngs said...

I would also second the whole "stay in a crib" thing. Caylee just moved out of hers at 3 years old. We would have kept her in it longer, but she was getting too tall for it. If they stay in it, sleep in it, and aren't trying to climb out of it, then why change the sleeping arrangement? Plus... She'll still be pretty little if you move her to a bigger bed. She may have some serious sleep adjustments, and I don't know if you're willing to go thru that with her and a newborn! Anyway, if you can't afford another crib, what about just using a pack-n-play? Caylee slept in hers for the first 6 months of her life at my parents home. It worked out just fine. She probably could have stayed in it longer, but there was no need for that when we got back to Lemoore and she had a crib. Also, check out yard sales around the base. A lot of people sell cribs for cheap!

As far as boy names go, the only ones I can think of are the ones I'm saving for our kids. ;) I do remember you and Paul liking Gage when we lived there... Can't wait to hear what names you narrow down to!

Chris said...

Hey Guys. It's Chris Pieper. If you decide to get a crib, try a pack-n-play (off craig's list or something if you don't want to spend the money to buy it new) - they're great!

Stephanie :) said...

I agree with all that's been said- get another crib if possible. Paige is still in hers! As long as she isn't crawling out, keep her in it for as long as she'll stay! If Paige wasn't getting so big, we'd probably get another one too :)

For the baby names- we are totally in the same boat! I need suggestions too! Boy names are hard! Good luck!