Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Countdown begins

Well for all those who don't know what is going on around are neck of the woods lately. Here is and update, I guess it was inspired by our good friend Jason who is over in Afghanistan currently. So I should be better at updating thing.

We just got back from a surprise visit to Utah it was great. We drove through the night on arrived early Friday morning leaving my dad with quit the shock, he probably thought someone was breaking into the house. We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Mother's day and some birthday's. It was also fun to see Sydney interact with Grandparents, cousins, Aunts and Uncles. We arrived back in good ole Lemoore Monday night. Needless to say we are now going to fly to Utah when we go back during transfer. I don't know who the drive was more brutal on Sydney or Me.

Now that we are back in Lemoore the fun begins, we move in two weeks. I can't believe it!! Between doctors appointment for me and Sydney it feels like we are at the hospital almost every other day I swear, even though we aren't. And days we don't have doctors appointments its the movers inspecting the household good, or calling housing to make sure we have a house in WA, then there is figuring out travel arrangements, and the list goes on. I never knew moving was so much work. But with all the work, we are excited to move to WA. We will miss everyone here in Lemoore but are definitely looking forward to new adventures as if having a second child isn't enough!! haha So if you don't see us we aren't ignoring you, we are just busy. Love ya all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are super busy. Good luck in the days ahead. We miss you guys!!