Friday, July 31, 2009

Counting Down

Well we have eleven days left until my due date for baby #2. There have been some crazy things going on this week with me so my doctor was considering inducing me on Tuesday. Luckily for me that ended up not happening, we weren't ready for the baby to come on Tuesday. So after that little scare or shocker we have been buckling down and getting more of his stuff prepared.

As of know I think we are going to stick with the name Mason but it kind of looks like his middle name might change. So we are thinking of Mason Gage Nelson. We just couldn't settle between the two and or give one of them up so he gets both Mason and Gage. But we could change our minds still when he arrives. So lets we are hoping he arrives in a timely manner and not 10 days late like his sister. Just a quick little post for you all.

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