Friday, September 26, 2008

7 Days Over Due

Okay the saga of the never ending pregnancy continues. Just to let you all know that today I have non-stress test and an amniotic fluid test done this morning. These test are done at 41 weeks to make sure that the baby is still getting enough nutrients and blood flow. Unfortunately for me Sydney woke up and began to be her usual active self, so they sent me home today again and would not induce me.

On the bright side I guess, I have an induction date scheduled for September 30th (tuesday) at 6:00 am. That is all contingent upon the fact that I don't go into labor on my own over the weekend, which everyone is crossing there fingers that I do.

Lets hope we still have a September baby on our hands!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Absoultely Crushed

So if you are wondering the reason for the title, I will tell you why. I had a doctors appointment this morning and got great news. I was dialated to a 2 and 70% effaced. The doctor wouldn't let me go home and was going to start me and deliver me today. I was so excited to think that my little girl would finally be here. They sent me up to labor and delivery immediately.

Low and behold to my surprise an hour and a half later I was being sent home!!.... I know what the freak. Turns out all the beds were full and the two labors going on weren't going fast enough. Now had I been a complicated pregnancy or at risk they would have made me stay but since I wasn't and only 40 weeks and 5 days they sent me home. The only somewhat positive thing is if a bed become available they are supposed to call, or I go back on Friday for a stress and fluid test at which point I will be 41 weeks so they would possibly induce me.

So my hopes were lifted and now squashed, looks like there will alot more walking today and tonight probably mixed with more crying. But I am sure Sydney will eventually get here. Hopefully next post will be a picture of her, but until then I am still prego and uncomfortable and officially broken.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well for all those who might be wondering what our progress is with the baby, it is a big fat ZERO. Today is my due date, and I feel like a million bucks minus a little soreness but nothing that has been holding me back from scrubbing floors, tubs and whatever else I can find to clean.

I thought I would be more anxious today to have her here, but honestly its just another day and I don't really care. I hope that's not bad to say. But we will see how my feelings are tomorrow towards everything. However, my mom gets here tomorrow and I am excited for her to be here. I just hope that Sydney comes a few days at least before Paul leaves. He is heading to Key West, Florida for two weeks on Oct. 4th, which is almost two weeks from now.

But all in all we are doing great and just waiting for the little one to arrive. We will keep you all posted.