Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Starting Again

Okay so my cute Sister in law has encouraged me to start blogging again so that she can see updated pictures of the kids.

Just to bring people up to speed incase you are all curious of what is going on in our lives. Sydney is currently 2 1/2. She will be starting a small preschool type setting to help with her speech development and a few other issues. Mason is 1 1/2 and turning into a holy terror. This kids climbs, hits, kicks, bite, and whatever else you can think of he is on top of that also. But his is also becoming a little chatter box and loves to say hi and bye to everyone and give his precious little kisses. As for myself I am learning why I never want to be a single parent. So we are what 5 months into the year and I have seen my husband for a total of 7 weeks and he will deploy mid summer for 6-8 months. This has been a struggle but we are being supported by amazing people around us. Paul is well Paul; always on the go. When he is home there is always something to be done and time to be filled.

1 comment:

Kelsi said...

Yay!!! The kids look so cute! I love the easter picture with Syd's blue hand! So funny! And I've been DYING to go to the tulip festival here at Thanksgiving point! The pictures you took look gorgeous! Love you guys!