Saturday, April 12, 2008

Utlrasound Pics

Well folks, I guess this is what you get when I get bored. I realize that as I promised a good friend I haven't posted any of my ultrasound pictures. Sorry if they are a little blury, but you can still see the baby at least.

Well it took 17 weeks and I think I finally can't fit into my pants anymore. I thought of taking a picture of me but when I looked in the mirror I thought It could wait another week or so and maybe my belly will be better. But all in all I drug Paul out for a shopping trip today, he did so good and I really appreciate him going with me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Disappointment or False Alarm

Well so as the tech doing my ultrasound so nicely informed me today, "No you are not going to find out what you are having today." I am only sixteen weeks so they won't risk telling me and it not being right. So now we have to wait another two weeks and hope they tell us on April 22nd. Not to worry, I will keep you updated on all news.

Sorry to be the bear of bad news, trusted me I was plenty disappointed. But we got a cute picture of the baby with its legs straight up in the air. It is priceless, so I am stoked about that and for now the baby will remain an "It".

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Check Back Tomorrow

Hey all, I just wanted to pass a little tid bit of information along. Paul and I might be finding out what the sex of the baby is tomorrow if all goes well. So check back tomorrow evening to find and if we aren't lucky hopefully we will find out on the 22nd of April. I am so excited. I think we are having a boy and Paul thinks a girl so we will see.

Also for Corinne, soon there should be a picture of a barely there bump. Its not much but I know you have been dying to see a picture of my belly.